
Use the resource azManagedImage to create a Managed Image for Virtual Machine deployment. If you need to create several virtual machines from a common template, this will create a base image. Remember to generalize and sysprep your drive before running this.


Attribute Type Mandatory Values Default Notes
Name String Yes
ResourceGroupName String Yes
Location String Yes
OSType String Yes Windows, Linux
OSState String Yes Generalized, Specialized
Source Object Yes


Attribute Type Mandatory Values Default Notes
ResourceGroupName String Yes
VMName String Yes * Either VMName or SnapshotName must be supplied
SnapshotName String Yes * Either VMName or SnapshotName must be supplied

Input by YAML

Object model for YAML deployment:

  - Name: 'string'
    ResourceGroupName: 'string'
    Location: 'string'
    OSType: 'string'                                    # Windows, Linux
    OSState: 'string'                                   # Generalized, Specialized
      ResourceGroupName: 'string'
      VMName: 'string'                                  # Source can be either VM or snapshot
      SnapshotName: 'string'                            # Source can be either VM or snapshot

Input by JSON

Object model for JSON deployment:

  "azManagedImage": [
      "Name": "string",
      "ResourceGroupName": "string",
      "Location": "string",
      "OSType": "string",
      "OSState": "string",
      "Source": {
        "ResourceGroupName": "string",
        "VMName": "string",
        "SnapshotName": "string"