
Many resources allow a system or user assigned identity to be associated with the resource. This allows roles and permissions to be granted to the identity to allow the resource access to other resources such as keyvaults. System assigned identities are connected to the resource and are automatically deleted when the resource is deleted. User assigned identities allow multiple independent managed identities to be associated with the resource. A single user assigned managed identity can be used for multiple resources.


Attribute Type Mandatory Values Default Notes
SystemIdentity Boolean No True, False (D)
UserIdentity Object No


Attribute Type Mandatory Values Default Notes
Name String Yes
ResourceGroupName String No Defaults to RG of resource

Input by YAML

Object model for YAML deployment:

      SystemIdentity: boolean                      # True, False (D)
        - Name: 'string'
          ResourceGroupName: 'string' 

Input by JSON

Object model for JSON deployment:

  "Identity": {
    "SystemIdentity": boolean,
    "UserIdentity": [
        "Name": "string",
        "ResourceGroupName": "string"