
The Powershell modules for JustDeploy Community Edition are available as Nuget packages in an Azure DevOps public feed. There are many ways to access this feed.

Registering the Feed as a Powershell Repository

For users who wish to use Powershell for their deployments, the modules are available in a public Azure DevOps project. The following script will register the Public Preview Azure DevOps feed as a PS repository and perform the installation.

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
Install-PackageProvider -Name Nuget -MinimumVersion -Force | Out-Null
$JDRepo = Get-PSRepository -Name 'JustDeploy' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($JDRepo ) { Unregister-PSRepository -Name JustDeploy }
$RepoParams = @{
    Name               = 'JustDeploy'
    SourceLocation     = 'https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/ThinkLogically/Public/_packaging/JustDeploy-preview/nuget/v2'
    PublishLocation    = 'https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/ThinkLogically/Public/_packaging/JustDeploy-preview/nuget/v2'
    InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted'
Register-PSRepository @RepoParams | Out-Null
If (Get-Module -Name 'JustDeploy') { Remove-Module -Name 'JustDeploy' }
Install-Module JustDeploy -Repository 'JustDeploy' -Force
Import-Module -Name 'JustDeploy' -Force
Install-JDModule -InstallType azure
$JDRepo = Get-PSRepository -Name 'JustDeploy' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($JDRepo ) { Unregister-PSRepository -Name JustDeploy }

The following Powershell modules will be installed into your default Powershell module path.

Name Description
JustDeploy Main JustDeploy module, typically the functions you call will be from this module.
JustDeploy.Azure Module specifically for the Azure cloud, these functions are called by the main JustDeploy module. You will typically not call functions within this module, unless you choose to create the resource objects programmatically instead of using YAML, JSON or some other input source.
JustDeploy.SQL Module specifically for SQL Server. These lower functions are called by the JustDeploy modules and you are unlikely to call any functions within this module.
JustDeploy.Windows Module specifically for Windows. These lower functions are called by the JustDeploy modules and you are unlikely to call any functions within this module.
powershell-yaml YAML to JSON conversion module.
Az Microsoft Azure Powershell modules.

Downloading from the Feed

Any Nuget tool can be used to download the packages. Visual Studio has a package manager built in, but also there are standalone Nuget Package clients and command line tools to allow the download of the packages.

Microsoft Nuget Package Manager for Visual Studio
Nuget Command line


It is expected to have the Powershell modules available as a release in Github shortly.