This reference section describes each of the following resources which can be deployed by JustDeploy. Each resource has a type shortcode which can be used with some functions to reduce the scope of the objects being manipulated.
Resource | Shortcode | Category | Description | API Version |
azAadGroup | azGRP | Azure Active Directory | Group | |
azAadUser | azUSR | Azure Active Directory | User | |
azAppConfigStore | azACS | AppConfiguration | Application Configuration Store | |
azBastion | azBAST | Network | Bastion | |
azDatabricks | azDBW | Databricks | Databricks Workspace | |
azDdosProtectionPlan | azDPP | Networking | Ddos Protection Plan | |
azDisk | azDISK | Compute | Managed Disk | |
azDiskSnapshot | azSNAP | Compute | Snapshot | |
azEventHubNamespace | azEVHNS | EventHub | EventHub Namespace & Event Hubs | |
azKeyVault | azKV | Compute | KeyVault | |
azLocalNetworkGateway | azLNG | Network | Local Network Gateway | |
azManagedIdentity | azID | ManagedIdentity | Managed Identity | |
azManagedImage | azImg | Compute | Managed Image | |
azManagementGroup | azMG | Tenant | Management Group | |
azMySqlFlexibleDatabase | azMYSQLFDB | MySql | MySql Flexible Database | 2021-05-01 (GA) |
azMySqlFlexibleServer | azMYSQLF | MySql | MySql Flexible Server | 2021-05-01 (GA) |
azNetworkInterface | azNIC | Network | Network Interface | |
azNetworkSecurityGroup | azNSG | Network | Network Security Group | |
azPublicIP | azPIP | Network | Public IP Address | |
azRecoveryServicesFault | azRSV | Management | Recovery Services Fault | |
azResourceGroup | azRG | Management | Resource Group | |
azRole | azROLE | Azure Active Directory | Role | |
azRouteTable | azRT | Network | Route Table | |
azSqlDatabase | azSQLDB | Sql | SQL Database | |
azSqlElasticPool | azSQLEP | Sql | SQL Database Elastic Pool | |
azSqlInstance | azSQLI | Sql | SQL Managed Instance | |
azSqlInstancePool | azSQLIP | Sql | SQL Managed Instance Pool | |
azSqlServer | azSQLS | Sql | SQL Server | |
azStorage | azST | Storage | Storage Account | |
azSubnet | azSNET | Network | Subnet | |
azSubscription | azSUB | Tenant | Subscription | |
azVirtualMachine | azVM | Compute | Virtual Machine | |
azVirtualNetwork | azVNET | Network | Virtual Network | |
azVirtualNetworkGateway | azVNG | Network | Virtual Network Gateway |
34 services.