Virtual Network
The following example will deploy a Resource Group and a simple Virtual Network into an Azure subscription.
# Replace the TenantId and SubscriptionID with your values
- Name: az-jd-sub1
Environment: AzureCloud
TenantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
SubscriptionId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mandatory
- Name: rg-jdex-vnet
ConnectionName: az-jd-sub1
Location: uksouth
# Optional
CostCentre: '666'
ProjectManager: 'Fred Smith'
- Name: StopAccidentalDelete
Level: CanNotDelete # CanNotDelete, ReadOnly
Notes: 'stop deletion'
# Mandatory
- Name: vnet-jdex-vnet
ConnectionName: az-jd-sub1
Location: uksouth
AddressPrefix: ''
ResourceGroupName: rg-jdex-vnet
# Optional
CostCentre: '666'
ProjectManager: 'Fred Smith'
- Name: StopAccidentalDelete
Level: CanNotDelete # CanNotDelete, ReadOnly
Notes: 'stop deletion'
Copy the above into a new .yml file and substitute in your tenant and subscription ids.
Execute the following powershell command to validate your resources. You will be prompted to authenticate to Azure with a suitable Microsoft account. Please ensure the account you choose has the relevant permissions to check your resources.
Confirm-JDResource -Verbose -Type All -DeploymentFile "<filename>.yml"
The above command will validate the resources in the yaml file. The -Type parameter allows the execution of just part of a yaml file that may contain other resource types.
Execute the following powershell command to deploy your resources. You will be prompted to authenticate to Azure with a suitable Microsoft account. Please ensure the account you choose has the relevant permissions to check your resources.
Deploy-JDResource -Verbose -Type All -DeploymentFile "<filename>.yml"
The above command will create all resource types in the yaml file. The -Type parameter allows the execution of just part of a yaml file that may contain other resource types.